Friendship day is round the corner and everyone is searching for Friendship day sms, messages, quotes, poems and scraps. So I decided to compile a list of popular Friendship day messages here. Without much delay let’s get some material.
Following are some of the Pictures, scraps, Poems, Sms's you can send to your friends:-
Here are a few pictures which you can post on your friend’s facebook wall:-

Here are few poems which again you can post on your friend’s facebook wall:-
1. Friendship IXX by Khalil Gibran
“And a youth said, “Speak to us of Friendship.”
Your friend is your needs answered.
He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.”
“AH! Think no more that Life’s delusive joys,
Can charm my thoughts from FRIENDSHIP’S dearer claim;
Or wound a heart, that scarce a wish employs,
For age to censure, or discretion blame.”
“Come, my Lucasia, since we see
That miracles Men’s Faith do move,
By wonder and by prodigy
To the dull angry World let’s prove
There’s a Religion in our Love.”
“Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree –
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most constantly?
The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who wil call the wild-briar fair?
Here are a few messages which you can text your friends:-
Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because i accept you and respect you the way you are.
Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth, but in having friend like you - a precious gift from God.
Good FRIENDS CaRE for each Other..
CLoSE Friends UNDERSTaND each Other…
and TRUE Friends STaY forever
beyond words,
beyond time…**
FRiEND in different lanaguages…
Iranian - DOST
German - FREUND
Herbew - CHAVER
French - AMi
Pinoy - KAiBiGAN
Dutch - VREND
Mexican - AMiGO
Stars has 5 ends
Square has 4 ends
Trinagle has 3 ends
Line has 2 ends
but Circle of our friendship has no end…
A daily thought…
A silent tear…
A Constant wish that u r near…
Words are few but thoughts r deep…
Memories of our frenship i’ll always keep!!
Being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation, a cup of coffee or a funny story. It means sharing an honest and true part of yourself.
In this cruel world it is very difficult to find friend with beautiful heart, pure feelings, attractive personality & stylish looks. So learn to value me!
When I was born, GOD said, “Oh No! Another IDIOT”. When you were born, GOD said, “OH No! COMPETITION”. Who knew, one day these two will become FREINDS FOREVER!
Sometimes in life we think we don’t need anyone. But sometime we don’t have anyone when we need… So don’t let your best buddies go ever…

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