Saturday, August 6, 2011

Get more Diggs for free | Twiends Alternative | Youlikehits Alternative | Digg Exchange

Search Engine Optimization is the buzz-word among internet marketing and webmasters in general. We all know the importance of backlinks for SEO. But Google have recently changed their algorithms and now exchanging backlinks with other websites or blogs does not serve the purpose. Google now gives more importance to Social recommendation and bookmarking engines like Digg,Stumbledupon,Reddit etc. In this article, I will talk about the importance of bookmarking your blogs,articles on Digg.

As the title suggests, this article is about the importance of Digg in SEO and bringing traffic to your website. If you donot know yet, Digg is a social bookmarking website where you can bookmark interesting articles that you stumble upon and save it for future reference and share with friends and others.

Enter LetUsFollow, which is a portal where you can exchange Digg votes with others. Signup for a free account there and just add your Digg username and the url for which you want more Diggs. You are given some free credits which you can use as incentive to entice others to Digg your url. You can earn credits by digging other’s urls in turn. So you can easily exchange Diggs with other community members, explore interesting stories and build your SEO footprint all for free.

So donot waste time and money next time. For all your SEO needs, visit and start exchanging your Diggs and leverage the power of crowd-sourcing. Hope you find this post useful.
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1 comment:

  1. Fast and Easy Digg, Stumbleupon and Reddit Vote Exchange on an Active Forum
